Hello everyone. Today I'm going to be taking a look at some games that I would like to see get a remake. I'm not talking about just talking HD remasters, but updates to bring them back to the limelight, or perhaps into the light for the first time. I realize most if not all of these will never happen for one reason or another, but I figure I'll just throw the thoughts out there. I also get that remakes are everywhere today. This game being remade and that game being remade, and to an extent I get the frustration. It's annoying to see games that came out on say the Playstation 2 getting remakes on the Playstation 3.... and then on the Playstation 4. I get it. What I'm looking at are much older games that can be remade with some cool new features added in, or simply could use a face lift.
The first game that comes to mind that I would love to see get a remake is The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening. This is, in my opinion, one of the best Zelda games and it has been quiet for way too long while some of the other older Zelda games have seen remakes. While the original two games on the Nintendo Entertainment System have yet to be remade we had A Link to the Past get remade with Four Swords for the Game Boy Advance. Both Majora's Mask and Ocarina of time have been remade for the 3DS as well. Links Awakening did get enhanced on the Game Boy Color with new features, but since then the game hasn't really done much. I would love to see what Nintendo could do with this game on either the Switch or the 3DS. If it were to happen I could see it on the 3DS before the Switch, but it would be cool to see the best original handheld Zelda game (in my books) come to a more advanced system with improved graphics, music, and features. I'd love to see this game in the same graphical style as A Link Between Worlds. Nintendo make it happen!
The next game I think now has a very real chance of being updated. Warcraft III needs no introduction to Blizzard fans. This PC real time strategy game was one of Blizzard's masterpieces in the early 2000's and still sees a large amount of play today. For those unfamiliar with the game, you basically build an army while leveling up a hero to take out your opponents base. It's similar to Starcraft, but the hero units add a whole different dimension to the game. Top it off with a ton of great user created maps and games as well as a great single player story and you have one of the better PC games ever made. The game's continuing popularity alone should be enough for a remaster and since Blizzard recently gave Starcraft a remaster, I think this is a good possibility for the future.
Pokemon Red and Blue (Green in Japan) are the two games that started the insane craze known as Pokemon. The games originally appeared on the Game Boy, but were remade as Fire Red and Leaf Green on the Game Boy Advance. That remake took a lot from Ruby and Sapphire which added a lot of depth to the game at the time. Could you imagine it now? As it stands, Red and Blue is the only generation whose story has not been told on the DS or 3DS in an updated fashion. Gold and Silver, originally made for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color, saw remakes named Heart Gold and Soul Silver on the DS. The third generation of Ruby and Sapphire were remade on the 3DS as Alpha Ruby and Omega Sapphire. All of the other generations are also available on the DS or 3DS. Red and Blue in their original form (not Fire Red and Leaf Green) are only available via the e-shop and were never remade for the DS. I would have loved to see DS versions of every Pokemon generation leading to where the series is now. This is one I think should have happened, but wont as it sounds like the Pokemon franchise is making the jump to the Nintendo Switch.
Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot were two of Sony's big names when the Playstation was the hot new system. Over the years both characters had their highs and certainly had their lows, but one thing for both always seemed constant. The first three games in each series were awesome. We recently saw Crash get remade with the N. Sane Trilogy, so why not give Spyro the same treatment. The originals are all great games and honestly, I think the Spyro trilogy got better with each passing game. I tend to feel that given the choice here I would like to simply see a remaster and not a full blown remake. I don't really see why the N. Sane Trilogy is considered a remake over a remaster, but whatever the case, I would love to see Spyro updated in today's graphics and with an updated camera.
The last game for today that I would love to see get remade would be awesome in my opinion, but will never happen. The Disney fan in me would love to see Adventures in the Magic Kingdom for the Nintendo Entertainment System be remade for modern consoles and even expanded on. The original game offers a wide variety of Disney goodies. You get to explore an 8-bit version of The Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. At least it seems to be since you are looking for the key to Cinderella's Castle and Sleeping Beauty's Castle is in Disneyland.... Anyway. Outside of exploring what would be a virtual Magic Kingdom you'd see updated 2D platforming levels based on attractions like The Haunted Mansion, great looking top down levels including the original based on Big Thunder Mountain, and possibly a Star Fox esque first person flying level based on Space Mountain. These ideas would all just be updates to the original game, but with The Magic Kingdom now versus then, you could add in so much. Again, it's something I would love to see, but in all probability, wont.
Thanks for reading my first installment of Remake Request Time. While I love retro games there is always that part of me that would love to see certain ones get a chance to shine on a modern day console. That is why I started this series. To think of some what if scenarios and kind of float my thoughts out on the whole remake craze that seems to be sweeping gaming lately. Would remakes of these games make the originals obsolete? I don't think so at all. I mean as much as I am looking forward to having the N. Sane Trilogy on my Switch, I don't see anything about it that screams "better than the originals". Take a look at Duck Tales. It got a massive remake on the Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, but the original is still every bit as good as it ever was. Starcraft got a remaster, but the original is just as good as the remaster. Anyway... Thank you again for reading and I'll be floating some more remake ideas out there soon!
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