Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blog Reboot 2016

Hey everyone. It's been quite a while since my last post here. Many things have happened since then. Planning a wedding for example has taken up a ton of time. I've been itching to get back to things here, but I've been itching to do it in a different way. So far I've been focusing on just reviewing retro games. Well after some thought I've decided that I am going to continue doing that, but mix things up a bit as well. Originally this blog was only going to be covering things from a time in gaming now past. Well a big change that I am going to be making is that I am going to be doing more than reviews and top 10 lists. This time around I will be offering my thoughts on a ton of different topics in a plethora of different games. For example, I might offer some of my thoughts on a specific hero from Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm. Or I might review a retro game as I have in the past. Basically anything goes now.

All in all I expect that this blog is going to still largely be retro based. I'm not anticipating much talk about Xbox One or Playstation 4 games. This is largely due to the fact that I really haven't done anything with either of those systems. While I'm sure there are great things about each of them, I simply do not have any experience with them so I have no opinion good or bad about them. So with that being said I'll be posting my first official blog in quite some time very soon. Stay Tuned!

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