Saturday, April 8, 2017

Blog Update

    Hello everyone and welcome to a quick update as to what will be going on on this blog. I know that after a lengthy absence I kind of jumped into a plethora of Donkey Kong Country blogs. Frankly those blogs I had started working on a long time ago and just never got around to finishing and cutting up from the one big blog that at one point they were all in. I felt that it was important to do those blogs sooner rather than later because the Donkey Kong Country series is really what got me into gaming on the scale that I am into it now. Without those games I can't honestly say I would be as into gaming as I am today. That being said, there is a period of Donkey Kong games that I only touched on in those blogs. Those games a lot of people like to call the dark age of Donkey Kong. I am in that boat as well and eventually I will get to those games and take a look at them, but for now I will be taking a small break from the Donkey Kong Universe.

    As I take a look at my 2017 blogs thus far I can see that, with the exception of my latest Disney gaming blog, that every one of them had to do with Rareware games. Seeing Rare games pop up is going to be a thing on this blog moving forward as they are one of my favorite companies and put out a bunch of games that I really enjoy. What is coming up next though will not be Rare centered. I'm going to be moving back towards doing some reviews on retro games spanning a number of systems. I will also be having a second blogger helping out here in the near future as well. I'll be putting up a bio page soon that will fill you guys in a bit more on who we are and what we do and why we are doing this blog. 

    With the Donkey Kong Country blogs I looked at Tropical Freeze on the Wii U as well as Donkey Kong Country Returns and the 3DS port of that game. That does not mean that I will be doing full reviews on any of them. I still will be focusing on anything that is in the pre PS2, Gamecube, Xbox era of games. I know many people are starting to look at those three systems as retro, but for now I'm still holding off on bringing them into the fold of this blog as there is literally a mountain of things I want to look at and share before I even scratch that surface. Tropical Freeze and Returns just happened to fall into the theme of the blog series. Speaking of series I will be bringing back the Kirby series that I started back in 2015. That series was a series of review blogs that would span all of the North American released Kirby games. The series sputtered out though when I started planning for my wedding and just never came back after all was said and done with that. So I do plan on continuing on with it finally at it will go all the way up to the Kirby's 20th Anniversary Collection which came out on the Nintendo Wii.

    I'm also looking at changing up the blog layout a bit too. We shall see what happens with that, but I'd like to do something with it as much as I do like it right now. Another change that is more of a possibility is that I may be adding some gameplay videos into the mix. I have been able to do this since I started this blog, but have avoided it due to not having a proper way of recording straight from my Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64. etc. I am looking into eventually getting a capture card that will let me put some of that stuff on here so when I'm blogging about a certain level or area I'll actually be able to show you guys more than a screenshot. Progress takes time and I am working on getting that capture card in the not too distant future. 

    So that is what is all coming down the pipe soon. I'll be getting back to doing some game reviews, the Kirby series, having a second blogger on here, and possibly having a capture card to record some gameplay. There will also be more blogs on Donkey Kong Country and other Rareware games, so don't think those are all said and done for too long. Really the plate is open for anything so thanks as always for reading and I look forwards to bringing you guys a review on Gex: Enter the Gecko on the Sony Playstation in the next blog! In the mean time check out this level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. Kind of a look into some of the future with this blog!

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