Thursday, July 20, 2017

Fall Preview Blog/Summer Update

    Hello everyone. Hope the summer has been treating all of you well. Today I just wanted to give you all a little bit more of a preview to what will be starting in less than a month from now on this blog. The Halloween season is a pretty major time of year for me and one of my favorite genre of games happens to be horror as well. Starting in mid August I will be shifting into a full blown Halloween-a-thon. Outside of any news related blogs about anything gaming that I want to touch on, all of the blogs from mid August through October will be themed around horror video games. These games can be anything from the consoles that I normally cover that have to do with horror or spooky themes. This means that obvious games like the ones from the Castlevania series will be looked at as well as often times forgotten about games like Scooby Doo Mystery on the Super Nintendo. If it revolves around spooky and creepy, then it's up for a potential look at or review. 

    There are a few games that I am thinking I am going to take a look at in relation to their respective movies as well. I won't be doing reviews on the movies themselves, but for games like A Nightmare on Elm Street on the Nintendo Entertainment System, I will be seeing if they actually line up with their respective movies. Atari games such as Halloween or Texas Chainsaw Massacre will probably get a pass on this type of blog since well, they are Atari games and not much can really be expected plot wise. I may also throw a couple lists in this marathon that may include things like my top 5 favorite horror games based on movies or something like that. I'm not one hundred percent sure on those yet, so stay tuned. 

    My idea for this marathon actually started back when I first started doing this blog more regularly again. Horror games have been some of my favorites for a long time, but I never really talked much about any of them (with the exception of Clock Tower, and a couple of the House of the Dead games) on this blog. As far as movies go, yes horror is one of my favorite genres there as well which is why I want to look at some of these games and how they go along with their movies. I used A Nightmare on Elm Street as an example before because honestly the Nightmare on Elm Street series is one of, if not, my favorite horror series, so I'm pretty excited to be looking at that game finally. I'm also hoping to throw up a new layout on the blog here to go with the season. Heck I may make that a thing actually... We shall see... Now for the rest of the summer.

    I've only done one other blog outside of this one this month and there is actually a reason for this. I've actually been having issues with my thumb and it has been bandaged in a way that it makes using a controller or joystick pretty tough, so most of my gaming has been done on PC, which I don't really cover here much. I originally wanted to get a few more reviews up this month, but I do not know if I'll actually be able to play a game enough to be able to review it. So I took some time away from gaming for the most part (it's summer so that helps) and have focused on cleaning and taking apart my Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 as well as their games and make sure that they are all good to go. One thing that I've started working on and would like to have done by the end of the month is a blog talking about my favorite Pokemon generation and the games that go with that generation. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to get through the Kirby's Block Ball review until after Halloween since I honestly have not been able to play it. I could try to do a review from what I remember about it, but I'd rather have it fresh in my mind.

    So that is kind of where I am at at this point. I'm hopeful that my finger problem will be resolved in a week or two which will allow me to resume console gaming (and handheld for that matter). From that point on I'll be starting to play horror based games at a feverish pace to make sure that I am good to go for mid August. I'm sorry that this month hasn't been active at all, but I'm thinking that will change in August for sure. One last note is that I will actually be taking a vacation in early September so I will not be doing any blogging from pretty much the fifth until probably the thirteenth. That's actually the reason I'm starting Halloween so early since I'll be losing a week or so while I'm away. Anyway. Thanks for reading and look for that Pokemon blog to be up before the month is over!

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