Monday, October 9, 2017


Greetings everyone. I'm doing two small blogs today. This first one is an update as to why I have been absent. I had every intent on moving full steam ahead with the horror blog series I was so, so excited to do since the summer. Sadly I am not going to be able to keep up with it. I am dealing with some things in life right now and need to focus in on those things more than I have been. It's pretty personal, so I'm not going to be getting into it here at all. This update is basically just me saying that I'm alive and I do intend on continuing this blog whenever I have to time to do so. I do hope that a time will come soon where I can go back to blogging how I was, but we will see.

So moving forward I will be continuing as I was prior to trying to start Horror Blogs. Perhaps this is something I can attempt to do again next year, but we will see on that as well. Everything is kind of up in the air. Thank you all for your patience, thanks for reading, and just in general, thank you!

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